Sunday, March 30, 2014

Class Warfare

People who land in the category of middle class despise the class just below them, and if that class just below middle ever requires government assisted survival, the middle class people see that as stealing from them. When people work for giant corporations and receive minimum wage, they require the government to help them afford food, and/or housing, or living expenses in general.

Middle class pays the government, and the government takes care of the lower class people. The giant corporations pass on the responsibility of wages to their government, and the government collects that money from the middle class, to then pass it on to the needy. The people high up in those corporations are filthy rich, because they have have citizens paying less fortunate citizens to work for their corporations.

Not to name names, but the Walton family, who owns Wal-Mart, is an example of the richest family in America. They each have a disgusting net worth, and their employees make minimum wage. When citizens ask for the minimum wage to be raised a bit, they are called greedy, and the government explains in a very complicated fashion of how that would not benefit anyone, because it would cause prices to go up, making everyone more poor.

The fact that a family who owns the company of Wal-Mart can be record settingly rich, shows that the money is being misdistributed. The rich want to avoid equality at all costs; and make sure that all those costs go to someone else. When anyone in the lower income bracket says, "Hey, this is fucked up", then the ultra rich, and even the government itself, declare, "That is class warfare!" When anyone utters the term "class warfare", everyone has to shut up, because it is categorized with racism. It is nothing like racism though.

America is set up like a sports match. You have the winners and the losers. The people who get expensive trophies, and the people who go hungry, and live in poverty. That may be a mixture of two examples there, but it can also be a suited combination of the two. It is nearly time for what some call, a "revolution", but that is probably a prohibited term like "equality". So, however you approach the situation, be cautious.

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