Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The people of America (at least the U.S. and Canada) almost all have a strong passion for money. They mostly see themselves as being rich someday. They all support this idea of capitalism that they feel will bring them to riches. They think that capitalism is the opportunity for every individual to rise above all the others. In reality though, the majority of them who think like this don't even understand how their economy works. They just know that they want to be as far away from socialism as they can be, because their government convinces them of that; even though the majority of them also don't understand how socialism works either.

The truth behind it all, is that they are not even technically working under a capitalism model, and they are all working under corporatism. Very few of them are independent business owners, and they're just working for large corporations that are owned by rich people who despise the employees who, they feel, constantly ask for more. This model of living is closer to communism than capitalism. They have ultra rich leaders, who can easily manipulate any laws at their wish, and they all work for the same money, with no benefits, no vacation, and no hope for actual advancement in the company. The only difference from communism, is that they are responsible for finding their own food and shelter.

People in that large group, who are paid very little, wasting most of their lives on tedious work, have to be distracted and entertained to keep satisfied with their existence. So long they have their sports to watch, and their beer to drink, they will keep quiet; or loud, but satisfied. It would be disastrous if the majority of these workers understood how their owners operate. They would see that this type of world is not designed for them, and if they did understand that, then there is risk of an uprising. For the ones who don't like sports, the controllers have many pointless shows that they refer to as "reality". These shows give people ideas of what their frivolous lives could be like. Even if they don't act on it, the shallow fantasy of something makes the wretched reality of nothing, more bearable.

Very few of the American public realize that this is life. They see what life could be like, as they watch movies, or tv shows, but they don't see that they are actually spending their life, as they fantasize...about life. These people are not meant to be involved in the financial world that happens around them. They are not the rare, successful one percent who make decisions of what is going to change, and what is going to stay the same. These people are the majority, who are just meant to work for the people in control. If they decide to go against the big plan, then they have to be put away so that they cause no interference.

Majority doesn't rule, it never will. Majority likes to be controlled. It doesn't want to make decisions on how to be, it just wants to be.

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