Sunday, March 30, 2014

"Extensive" Grammar

I was once talking to someone I knew, and he said, "You have extensive grammar, I expect a lot from you." I can't actually remember the word he used for it. I don't think it was extensive, but it was a synonym for that. It was one of those things that could sound like a compliment coming from your grandma, but that would never be the intent of such a thing from a fella' you barely know at the sports bar. Plus, he was a life long parks employee, meaning he despised wordsmiths (just a theory of mine).

Anyway, when I heard him say that, I didn't take it as a compliment. I heard it like he expected me to be a liberal arts dropout who dies of a drug overdose. Although that would probably still make the town paper, I wouldn't classify it as a successful finish. I am not always suspicious of people having ulterior motives in what they say, but I didn't feel it was a fully genuine comment.

To show spite to the backhanded compliment, one could fight tooth and nail to become a University English professor, being that there are few other professions that offer great success to the "wordsmith" in North America. Truthfully though, fighting tooth and nail has never been one of my passions. That may actually be another reason that the really hard workers don't like me that much. Many hard workers would say you can't always find work you're "passionate" about, and they'd pronounce passionate in a very "nancy boy" fashion, maybe even doing the quotation marks with their fingers, but some people have to search for their passions.

Another way to spite the perceived backhandedness is not to become wealthy, but to disappear and live an awesome life where you're trying to prove nothing to anyone around your hometown. This method is much more suited to me, especially since I only recently discovered that I don't have the jewish passion for money, like the majority of humans do. That wasn't racist because I didn't capitalize the J. It changes the context of it.

I tried to post an ad on the internet and become an English tutor in Canada, assuming that immigrants may be interested in that. What actually happened though, is that a Canadian born kid got his dad to pay me to do his English homework so he could just focus on his math and science. I discovered quickly that this was not fulfilling at all, and would technically be a crime, so I had to end that arrangement. Now that I live in Southeast Asia, there is more demand for my language skills, and we'll see the results.


My nephew in Malaysia, who is like three years old, always tries to help teach me how to speak Malay. Every time he tells me a word, and then I repeat it, he says, "no no no", shaking his finger. Then he repeats exactly how we both said it, and does this a few times. Normally it is actually helpful to me, and if he's correct in what he's saying, it teaches me Malay at a very primary level.

We were at a wedding recently though, and we were eating lunch. I asked for him to pass me the napkins, and he said, "no no no, tissue". I said, "oh sorry, right, tissue", and he said "no no no, tissue". Emphasizing one syllable or the other. I again said, "ohhhh, tissue", then he repeatedly told me, "no no no, tissue". I cooperated with this lesson for quite a while until something else came up and interrupted it.

It was funny because he is so dedicated in his teaching, and pronouncing. It was especially funny because he obviously assumes tissue is a Malay word, and although it is how almost every Malaysian refers to a napkin, or serviette, it is an English word as far as I know. It is surprisingly fun to have a three old foreigner try to teach you how to pronounce English words, and that was the first English word I was taught by a three year old foreigner.

Neighbour Rob

My neighbour and I were talking, and he felt that he should show me all his records. I agreed to sit in his garage and look at them. So he’s flipping page after page, showing me his Depeche Mode, New Order, Gary Numan, then he flips the page, and this guy’s awkward face on an album comes up, and Rob changes the page without saying anything. I was like, “Hey! I’m a Girl Watcher!” He didn’t say anything. I repeated myself. “That was the I’m a Girl Watcher guy”. Rob kind of mumbled “yeah”, and kept turning pages, showing me his cool music, and I left it alone.
He was not proud of his secret lust for "The Okaysions", and their voyeur styled music of watching girls.

A few days after that, a family member that I used to have, told me that neighbour Rob is really creepy. I was like, “Really? I didn’t notice”. She said “Yeah, have you heard him whistle?”

He is an incredible whistler.
I envy his whistle. I admire him for his ability to whistle better than the birds can. I had never noticed how being able to whistle so well is creepy. Yeah though, I guess it is super creepy, but I still wish I could whistle so well.

He really whistles better than anyone I’ve heard before.

My First Memory

I remember many things of my early childhood. My father also has a strangely sharp memory of his childhood. My very first memory though, was kind of emotionally scarring. It was my Nana and I, and we were outside in the warm, sunny weather, while she was probably gardening, and I was just being a two year old kid.

I really noticed her little statue of a naked woman. It was about my height, and quite seductive. It was probably a recreation of a Leonardo Da Vinci piece or something. Not knowing why, I approached the little statue and began to hump it. I couldn't give a logical explanation for doing this, and even if I did understand the biology of it, I could barely talk. It just felt right though. Shortly after engaging in this activity, my Nana yelled at me to stop. I couldn't understand why she would scold me for this even less than I understood why I was doing it.

Being my first emotional memory, it probably affected my thought process for the rest of my life onward. Subconsciously, I probably saw sexual behaviour as an improper action. I imagine I unknowingly classed it with crimes, or sins. I know I was much less comfortable with the activity of sexual interaction than most of my friends.

Maybe I can thank my Nana for making me too uncomfortable to close the deal with many girls I was attracted to. Maybe that minor scolding from the early eighties had nothing to do with my inability to make a move. Maybe I'm just such a wuss that I didn't have the courage to risk being turned down by the girls. That's actually much more likely the reality here. Sorry for the potential accusation Nana!

(reasonable facsimile from my memory)

Class Warfare

People who land in the category of middle class despise the class just below them, and if that class just below middle ever requires government assisted survival, the middle class people see that as stealing from them. When people work for giant corporations and receive minimum wage, they require the government to help them afford food, and/or housing, or living expenses in general.

Middle class pays the government, and the government takes care of the lower class people. The giant corporations pass on the responsibility of wages to their government, and the government collects that money from the middle class, to then pass it on to the needy. The people high up in those corporations are filthy rich, because they have have citizens paying less fortunate citizens to work for their corporations.

Not to name names, but the Walton family, who owns Wal-Mart, is an example of the richest family in America. They each have a disgusting net worth, and their employees make minimum wage. When citizens ask for the minimum wage to be raised a bit, they are called greedy, and the government explains in a very complicated fashion of how that would not benefit anyone, because it would cause prices to go up, making everyone more poor.

The fact that a family who owns the company of Wal-Mart can be record settingly rich, shows that the money is being misdistributed. The rich want to avoid equality at all costs; and make sure that all those costs go to someone else. When anyone in the lower income bracket says, "Hey, this is fucked up", then the ultra rich, and even the government itself, declare, "That is class warfare!" When anyone utters the term "class warfare", everyone has to shut up, because it is categorized with racism. It is nothing like racism though.

America is set up like a sports match. You have the winners and the losers. The people who get expensive trophies, and the people who go hungry, and live in poverty. That may be a mixture of two examples there, but it can also be a suited combination of the two. It is nearly time for what some call, a "revolution", but that is probably a prohibited term like "equality". So, however you approach the situation, be cautious.


I have another zany theory about a mass trend. We all noticed when bacon became more than popular. Something about the public view on bacon changed. It was something where you could just say, "BACON!", and people who were part of the movement would just laugh, or high five. People liked bacon just as much before this movement, but they almost created a sort of bacon community. It created a way for people without a sense of humour to say something that would get laughs from the entire new community of bacon. People started doing strange new things with bacon that were never considered before. They would mix bacon with things cream, or chocolate, and it would end up actually tasting good, because to mix sweet and savoury flavours actually works.

The fast food places were all over this bacon movement, and they may have even started it. People could see a funny commercial about bacon, and it would remind them of their passion for it. Then people could be so inspired by their love for this factory meat product, that they would pass on a funny message to all their social media contacts. Being that it was such a simple, common message that many could relate with, it would gather several people's agreement. Those people could then feel the same craving, and pass on a social message of their "own".

Nobody thought anything was weird about this wave of common interest; not even myself, who is one of the most neurotic, paranoid people I know. Recently though, I thought of something my father always told me. Every time the oil companies would want to do a hike in gas prices, they would drastically raise the price for a week or so, then lower it back down to a price that was still higher than what it previously was. If they raised it by twenty percent, then lowered it back down by ten percent, then people would just say how, "gas is cheap today, better fill up". The raise in price was forgotten, and no one was cranky anymore. He said that this was just like the bacon price hike in the seventies.

So, my theory is that the bacon industry is planning for a big hike in the price of bacon. They have to first use the power of media to get people so bacon crazy that they don't even care that the price goes up. People will say, "Bacon is twice the price, but I can't stop eating it". Then, the friends can pat each other on the back and laugh, as they walk with their bacon comrades to buy bacon. I imagine they will first raise the price by one hundred percent, then lower it by fifty percent. I know, it sounds a lot more extreme than the gas price hike, and that's why I think they are making sure that people "love" bacon as much as they can.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Land of the Free*

There was a time when everything could be done at no cost with a little work. If you wanted to eat, you could grow your food, and hunt for your food. If you wanted to blow your nose, you blew it in a rag, or "handkerchief" and then washed it. If you wanted to amuse yourself, you'd go outside and do things. If you had to take a shit, you could go in the hole, and then wash your ass. Getting into everything that hemp could do for you is a whole other issue, but it caters to many tasks, it's relatively easy to grow, and it is very resilient, or as the gardeners say, "hardy".

Then came a wave of people who decided that everything you do should cost you something. They felt that eating should only be available through corporations. If you wanted to eat, then they would give you the food, and you would give them money. If you wanted to blow your nose, then you use a Kleenex, which is a disposable tissue that costs money. If you want to be amused, you watch your television that you purchased. If you wanted to even take a shit, then you sit on your porcelain toilet, wipe your ass with purchased toilet paper, and flush away the excrement with water provided by the water services, that your government sets you up with.

Nothing is free anymore, and some people want to make sure it doesn't become that way again. Corporations grow your produce, and in many areas it is illegal to grow your own. Factories butcher your meat, and there is no way that you can have cattle in your manicured communities. There are corporations that cater to your every need, and forbid you to try to do these things independently. When I accuse America of this, I don't mean specifically the United States of that continent, I mean Canada too, and the UK as well, I am sure. Everyone is a customer.

Every "indigenous" tribe that is not dependent on the merchant society is a threat to this way of living. They are proof that the merchant society has never been necessary, and that people could choose to live without them. There are still aboriginals all over the world who may eventually show the consumer society how they could alternatively live. We know that merchant society would not encourage this on television though, and the majority of the customers would not like this idea, because they are lazy and hate the idea of more work just to live. They just want to be entertained, and spend money. Things probably won't steer away from this new way of living, because not enough people want that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The people of America (at least the U.S. and Canada) almost all have a strong passion for money. They mostly see themselves as being rich someday. They all support this idea of capitalism that they feel will bring them to riches. They think that capitalism is the opportunity for every individual to rise above all the others. In reality though, the majority of them who think like this don't even understand how their economy works. They just know that they want to be as far away from socialism as they can be, because their government convinces them of that; even though the majority of them also don't understand how socialism works either.

The truth behind it all, is that they are not even technically working under a capitalism model, and they are all working under corporatism. Very few of them are independent business owners, and they're just working for large corporations that are owned by rich people who despise the employees who, they feel, constantly ask for more. This model of living is closer to communism than capitalism. They have ultra rich leaders, who can easily manipulate any laws at their wish, and they all work for the same money, with no benefits, no vacation, and no hope for actual advancement in the company. The only difference from communism, is that they are responsible for finding their own food and shelter.

People in that large group, who are paid very little, wasting most of their lives on tedious work, have to be distracted and entertained to keep satisfied with their existence. So long they have their sports to watch, and their beer to drink, they will keep quiet; or loud, but satisfied. It would be disastrous if the majority of these workers understood how their owners operate. They would see that this type of world is not designed for them, and if they did understand that, then there is risk of an uprising. For the ones who don't like sports, the controllers have many pointless shows that they refer to as "reality". These shows give people ideas of what their frivolous lives could be like. Even if they don't act on it, the shallow fantasy of something makes the wretched reality of nothing, more bearable.

Very few of the American public realize that this is life. They see what life could be like, as they watch movies, or tv shows, but they don't see that they are actually spending their life, as they fantasize...about life. These people are not meant to be involved in the financial world that happens around them. They are not the rare, successful one percent who make decisions of what is going to change, and what is going to stay the same. These people are the majority, who are just meant to work for the people in control. If they decide to go against the big plan, then they have to be put away so that they cause no interference.

Majority doesn't rule, it never will. Majority likes to be controlled. It doesn't want to make decisions on how to be, it just wants to be.