Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pee UP a Girl?

I remember back when I was a kid, if I liked a girl, I would think to myself, "boy, I sure would like to lie underneath a blanket with her". There was nothing further that I wished to perform. Just lying with her underneath a blanket was the fantasy. I was so very innocent as a child.

Now other kids had different thoughts than me. My friend once told me how Rob V. asked the teacher in class, what would happen if you pee'd "up" a girl. I imagine the rest of the boys in the class were all questioning what he means by "up". I think the majority of us assumed the vagina was similar to the belly button. We would just say in, not up.

I imagine he was more familiar with the female anatomy because he had liberal sisters, who seemed quite sexual.

The Price of Happiness

Some people will be working a job they hate, in a place that makes them miserable for their entire lives, but if a doctor tells them they have six months to live, they quit their job, and move to a tropical paradise to be happy for that small remainder of time. By doing that, they’re admitting that their life was miserable, and it took so little to change that. Happiness really doesn’t mean that much to that many. It should be the only goal really, and it is trumped by money and pride on a daily basis. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Are You Kidding Me?

I notice subtle changes in language, and slang, that other people don’t really pay attention to. One that perplexed me was the common reality TV trash saying of “are you kidding me”. It sounded like something new, but I know we’ve been saying that since the 1980s, and probably earlier. I figured that maybe I’m just not as observant as I thought, and it was just a miscalculation, but it’s not time to give up faith in my observations, because I figured this one out.

The difference with the new way to say “are you kidding me”, and the classic way that I am familiar with, is in announced punctuation. The original would go as, “Are you kidding me?”, but the new way is stated as “Are you kidding me!”. It’s just simply not a question anymore, it is a statement. It first changed with the characters on the reality shows, but of course it quickly rubbed off on the viewers.

It doesn’t make me a hater of my whole species just because I hate the reality television underworld. It is a select few controlling that underworld that then controls the viewers. I don’t hate the fans, I hate the creators. It is them that change my world without my consent. 

Monday, January 19, 2015


Some people are all like, "You have to get an education before you get my respect", and what they have is a diploma in business administration or something like that, so they can get a job taking part in the operations of a company that does nothing for anyone. What those people are actually concerned about is someone who can fund their lifestyle expenses. If someone came to them and explained how they have their doctorate in quantum physics, they'd ask, "what kind of job can that get you"?

It is very sad when the ignorant even use the term "education". Society has trained them to value frivolous things in life, and a note of academic achievement will give them an advantage to succeed above others in acquiring these items. Education is in no way what these kind of people are interested in. It is employability that they are attracted to.

In reality, these people to which I refer are the perfect members in a society of this nature. Thinkers are not what is needed in the masses, workers are what is needed for the existing corporations. Of course a pyramid is the best visual display of how typical businesses function, and a pyramid needs many, many blocks.


I was talking with someone a while back, and I mentioned how I live in a trailer on “the family compound”. I only live there for a small portion of the year and I travel a lot. I have now been all around the world, to several different countries, and I have the freedom to do so because I have no mortgage, or lease.

The person was bragging how he lives in the trendiest neighbourhood in town, and I know how expensive that area is. He then criticized my living arrangement, and made a few "trailer trash" jokes. The ironic thing was that we both seemed to feel pity for each other. I am a very good judge of character, and I know for certain that although this fella' is proud of his home, and his lifestyle, he is not happy. His wife also seemed quite unhappy. 

Middle age is a horrible time to discover that you've worked so long, and so hard for a life that doesn't make you happy. It sure was lucky for me to realize that before I reached 30 years old. I discovered that I have that choice, and I may have eventually had to commit suicide if I devoted my life to meaningless, tedious tasks to gather possessions I can be proud of. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Turtle Lake

My sense of smell is above average, for humans. The dogs still have me beat, and I envy them for that, but the typical human can’t even shake a stick at my sense of smell. I’m not trying to turn this into a competition, but hands down, I win. I am the champion. Sometimes being the winner doesn’t bring you happiness though. One smell that I will never forget brought me to tears. It literally made me cry like a little five year old. I should add that I was five years old at the time.

My family was going on vacation to Florida. The year was 1987, and we were piled into the car for the two or three day drive; because Dad refused to fly. The most famous plane crash of his time completely turned him off the thought of flying. You know the one, with Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, Richie Valens, and if there was another big star, then I feel bad that I forget them every time I refer to “The Day that Music Died”.

It was a drive where the question of, “Are we almost there?” can even start to annoy the kid asking the question. Every once in a while, we would have to pass over a lake, by means of bridge. It was a very uneventful happening, except for one time. There was one lake that we had to cross and the memory of that will never leave me.

It is said that smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. I know that I have smelled a flower in the tropics of Asia that made me immediately say “Florida”. My worst smell memory is of a little lake on the way to Florida, named Turtle Lake. As we were crossing over Turtle Lake, I began to complain about the horrible smell. It was a rancid stench that is almost indescribable. It was not like the horrible smells I was familiar with. It was not like feces, or methane, or sulpher. It was not even the smell of death, which I didn’t discover for another three years. It is the most unique horrible smell I have ever encountered.

After about sixty seconds of passing over Turtle Lake, I broke down into full on tears. It was a smell so terrible, I cried and begged for it to be over. To this day, if I say “Turtle Lake” to my brother, he will get a shudder, but then laugh about how horrible the smell was. The smell was so bad it is actually laughable. So like many things, my superior sense of smell is a blessing and a curse, and Turtle Lake, I will never forget you. 

Puppet Choice

The only reason I believe that public voting actually decides which politician gets into office is because of a little incident back in the year two thousand, when Al Gore was going to win the election and try to save the planet. A man affectionately referred to as W was running against Al, and was going to lose. Luckily for W, his brother Jeb was governor of Florida. He altered the votes in his state so W could get into office and continue their father’s oil war with Iraq. The fact that Jeb had to change the votes, practically proves that they make a difference.

Now watch as that fella’, Jeb, runs for president himself in a couple years. Some people will be terrified that another member of that family will be running the most dangerous country in the world, but he will be beaten by Hillary Clinton, who, I believe, will get 56% of the nation’s vote. That nation gets really excited about monumental events. After getting the first black president, the excitement did not evaporate until they realized he makes the same kind of decisions as W. The nation will think that surely a woman won’t make those same decisions, and maybe then, when she does, they’ll realize that the public representative makes zero decisions for the world’s most dangerous country. 

A Fictional Account

There was a film about to be released to the humans, and it had a high financial cost, but was not of high quality. The humans in charge of the film industry had to conjure up a way of profiting from this potential failure.
What they did was tell the humans on one side of the planet, that an enemy on the other side of the planet had compromised the technology that enabled them to watch this film. Once they had the entire populace aware that their new “great” film was stolen from them by an enemy, they claimed to have rescued the film and will be able to show it to them.
The film was appreciated by the humans, not because of what it was, but for what it represented. They felt that they had defeated their enemy. Watching this film was a victory. This was another example of how a select group of humans controlled the masses with great success.