Thursday, February 5, 2015

This One Goes out to the Ones Above

I understand if people don't believe that any other life forms exist in the universe. I still think those people are idiots for their beliefs, but I comprehend what is believed. I imagine that these people can be grouped together with folks who insist that the planet earth is only five hundred years old. Oh, sorry, five thousand? Oh, ok...five thousand, much more logical.

I guess  it is obvious that I believe there is other life in, not only in the universe, but this very galaxy that we call the milky way. I think it is much more ridiculous to believe that we are the only ones than to believe that there are an infinite number of other life forms out there.

Someone who can believe there is no other life out there, must have never looked at the stars before, and realized every one of those stars is bigger than our favourite star we call the sun. We should have just called it "the star", so people would never forget that's what it is.

So if, one of these other species came to visit our planet, and for some reason let us know that they were arriving, then it is almost certain that our mentally handicapped governments who wage war on other humans, would wage war on them. As proud as the human military is with its killing ability, it would stand no chance against a species who can travel solar systems.

Hollywood movies love to show that humans are always the inevitable champions, but seriously, we've not even been able to make it to another planet in our own solar system. We are a primitive little species. We would not even be a nuisance to eradicate for the beings advanced enough to make it here. They could simply end our whole population with a single thought; because that is the ultimate achievement past button pushing.

I don't think that aliens want to take over this planet though, like is depicted in every piece of alien fiction. They started off with a life giving planet, and they evolved past the need for farming, and fresh water, and entertainment. The "final frontier", as I will have to borrow from Gene Roddenbury, is research, and education, and travel.

Luckily for us, I don't think any life form advanced enough for intergalactic travel would want anything to do with us, or our dirty little planet. If Earth was ever visited by aliens, then our government who is killing so many humans already, would quickly get the whole planet killed as they declare war on the ultra advanced beings.

So, in dedication to all of the extra terrestrials in existence, I just want you to know, I have much more respect for you than I do for the humans. Especially you aliens who can absorb all of our language information on all media automatically. You guys are my favourites.       * winkey face

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