Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Distant Voices in Marble Corridors

I have a theory of why the world's villains are destroying all of the wildlife. Whenever there was a movie with a ruler of absolute power, it was in a world of desolateness, with robots, and no wildlife. My theory is that people on the planet Earth feel that to achieve supreme Orwellian power, it must be in a completely unnatural world, unlike the one we are familiar with. 

If you look at the different corporations in the world, you may see a pattern of the removal of natural life. There is a massive organization that creates a product called Round-Up. What Round-Up does is kills anything it comes in contact with. It kills weeds, insects, and unfortunately all other life forms, including humans.

Unbelievably, this organization grows crops, genetically modifies the crops, so that they can survive the dousing of Round-Up, then sells the crops to humans...to eat. No, seriously, the humans then eat the Round-Up. The organization insists that it is safe though, for some reason. This organization has nearly wiped out the monarch butterfly, and the bee. I have another theory about that.

Wiping out the butterflies and the bees would seem illogical to a company that needs those insects to pollinate its crops. My theory is that they have a product ready to replace natural pollinators. Then they can sell the product to all the farmers as well. A drone that performs pollination of plants would be as simple as an insect. It might not sound as evil as it is, but that is wicked evil, and if there is a hell, I hope they go there for this. 

That kind of practice grants complete control over all the people of the world, and for some reason, some people want to control others. If you control the food, you control the world. That should not be a motivation for anyone to do anything, but it really is. You would think that for someone to act like this, they must have had a traumatic life, or at least one horrible experience, but sometimes it is just a matter of personality type; these people are controllers.
Another corporation creates dessert food, and is trusted by most of the public. What people don’t realize though, is that it is one of the most evil corporations of the world. It destroys tropical jungles for, I believe, palm oil. People just kind of shrug to that action and say how you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette. Sadly, these eggs they are cracking are the home to billions of creatures, and, if those people don’t care about that, those “eggs” are also massive producers of oxygen to breathe.

Interestingly, this massive corporation also wants to obtain all of the water of the world for its own personal “product” to sell to people. It could be a single corporation that takes away the water from the people. Many people would die from this, but the corporation would get massively rich from all of the survivors who wish to continue surviving, and drinking water.

Now, here is a bit of a farfetched theory, but it is from the eighties, and it is to privatize oxygen. Can you imagine if the corporation destroying oxygen producing jungles has a product on the shelf, ready for the demand of oxygen? Imagine a corporation that controls the oxygen and water of the planet. That would be even more powerful than the corporation that controls the food. Back to reality though, they are only aiming to control the water, from what we know. 

You might say, well at least or food and water are being controlled by only two corporations, so it will be easier to stop them if a crisis actually occurs. The horrible thing is though, these corporations already control powerful governments, and therefore have massive armies of idiots with weapons to back them up.

I may sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but you don’t have to theorize anything here, it is already happening. 

The World's Worst Enemy

The crime of most of the co-operative, law biding citizens of the world, who try to harm no one, is that they are funding terrorists who harm many innocent men, women and children. I believe the term for someone who assists in a crime is called an accessory to what ever the crime is. They would be an accessory to murder, or theft, or fraud, etc., etc.

Sometimes an accessory entirely makes it possible for a crime to happen. Without this accessory, then the crime may have never been able to be committed. In the case of international crimes against the planet, or people on the other side of the planet, it is the governments in charge of people who are the criminals, and the citizens are the accessories. The accessories completely fund these crimes, and are the only ones who are able to prevent the crimes.

I know a country with hundreds of millions of people. Most of these people think they are innocent, and would aggressively argue that they, and their government are the good guys. The government puts control methods into place that makes their citizens think of themselves as the best people in the world. They think they are helpful, and heroes, and they think that it is the ones who they kill who are the bad ones.

As many people of our times have said, most notably, Einstein, "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything". I had never agreed with that quote, in that I didn't like to dismiss the actions of the individual committing the crime. Truly though, the masses are equally, if not exceedingly responsible for these crimes. The people who commit these crimes have their minds clouded by intoxicating riches, but the people who benefit in no way from it, are just not caring because it has no effect on them. That selfishness does make them slightly worse than the person who makes the decision so he can become a billionaire.

So, it turns out that you are the world's worst enemy. Fancy that. It is you. Congratulations?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Proud Parents

Your parents would be terribly disappointed if for your entire life, you just played a game, all the time, and never did anything with your life. If instead of going out and getting a job, working hard, helping other people in the world, you just threw a ball at a net, or kicked a ball, or hit a ball with a stick, your parents would be so ashamed that they would never talk about you to their friends.

Your parents would be ashamed that you do these pointless, frivolous activities, unless, of course, unless while you did this activity, people watched you do it, and paid money to watch you. That would not really change what the activity is at all, except that your parents would then be more proud than any other parents you know of.

You could do the most honourable acts of charity in existence, but if you don't make any money, then most parents would be more proud of the child who professionally kicks a ball at a net. If you explained this to a person who had never once seen the society we have created, they would probably laugh and say that you are lying. For some reason though, it is entirely true of our society.

I can't explain this. I don't know why people are like that, but it is completely true. I promise you that this is true. We could change this if we chose to, but for some reason, we don't choose to. It is not the worst quality of mainstream society even, but it is one that we should feel great shame for. It definitely helps to get us to the broken mess that we are baffled to find ourselves in.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

This One Goes out to the Ones Above

I understand if people don't believe that any other life forms exist in the universe. I still think those people are idiots for their beliefs, but I comprehend what is believed. I imagine that these people can be grouped together with folks who insist that the planet earth is only five hundred years old. Oh, sorry, five thousand? Oh, ok...five thousand, much more logical.

I guess  it is obvious that I believe there is other life in, not only in the universe, but this very galaxy that we call the milky way. I think it is much more ridiculous to believe that we are the only ones than to believe that there are an infinite number of other life forms out there.

Someone who can believe there is no other life out there, must have never looked at the stars before, and realized every one of those stars is bigger than our favourite star we call the sun. We should have just called it "the star", so people would never forget that's what it is.

So if, one of these other species came to visit our planet, and for some reason let us know that they were arriving, then it is almost certain that our mentally handicapped governments who wage war on other humans, would wage war on them. As proud as the human military is with its killing ability, it would stand no chance against a species who can travel solar systems.

Hollywood movies love to show that humans are always the inevitable champions, but seriously, we've not even been able to make it to another planet in our own solar system. We are a primitive little species. We would not even be a nuisance to eradicate for the beings advanced enough to make it here. They could simply end our whole population with a single thought; because that is the ultimate achievement past button pushing.

I don't think that aliens want to take over this planet though, like is depicted in every piece of alien fiction. They started off with a life giving planet, and they evolved past the need for farming, and fresh water, and entertainment. The "final frontier", as I will have to borrow from Gene Roddenbury, is research, and education, and travel.

Luckily for us, I don't think any life form advanced enough for intergalactic travel would want anything to do with us, or our dirty little planet. If Earth was ever visited by aliens, then our government who is killing so many humans already, would quickly get the whole planet killed as they declare war on the ultra advanced beings.

So, in dedication to all of the extra terrestrials in existence, I just want you to know, I have much more respect for you than I do for the humans. Especially you aliens who can absorb all of our language information on all media automatically. You guys are my favourites.       * winkey face

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hong Kong Farter

One time when I had to stay in the Hong Kong airport for like 8 hours, there was a girl in there doing the same thing. A discussion arose between us about where we were from and where we were going. It turned out that she was from Germany, and if I recall correctly, she was going to Singapore. What stood out to me was that as we were having our casual discussion, she let out a long, comical sounding fart. I almost grinned and even laughed, because I can’t deny that farts are hilarious. Without any reaction whatsoever, from her, I lost my confidence to show my amusement. She was not going to openly react to this event, and because of that, I was not going to either.

In the next twenty minutes or so, she let out around ten more farts. I am still impressed with myself for holding in my reaction. I feel like I reached a certain level of maturity that I never really expected to reach. If I was the subject of a hidden camera show, then they would not have been able to use that footage, because my self control was so strong that it implied I didn’t even hear the farts.

So…that was really weird.