Thursday, June 25, 2015

Accounting Mountain

When my daughter is old enough to go to Canada’s Wonderland, I am not going to tell her for the weeks leading up to it that we’re going to the most fun place in Ontario. I’m going to tell her the day before that we have to go to Accounting Mountain tomorrow to deal with some issues regarding accounting. When she then asks what accounting is, I will explain to her how it is the action of keeping track of debits and credits. When she then asks what debits and credits are, I will start to explain the details of that, in a very monotonous, hypnotically boring tone, but then I will pretend to doze off. When/If she wakes me up to hear more about accounting, I will explain how all of the accountants of Canada live at accounting mountain, and that’s why we have to go there to deal with the accounting problem.

It won’t be until she sees the people in Hanna Barbara costumes that she realizes that something isn’t adding up. I’m not sure if that makes me devious, or even dishonest for planning this deception years ahead. I believe it is first degree deception though. The whiteness of this lie is even clouded a bit grey by the amount of time put into it. Regardless of the immorality that is carried with this plan, I think it is one of the best ideas I have ever come up with. Sophia, I hope that this event in the future doesn’t taint your honesty, because it is going to happen. It’s totally going to happen.  

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