Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I Don't Know

There was a point in my life that I was so excited to be allowed to drink in bars, that I would regularly watch sports on TV. I had never really been interested in sports, and certainly not televised professional sports, but it gave me an excuse to go drink beer at the bar a few times a week. The excuse for going to the bar was enough for me to intentionally enact the passion for sports that some people actually have.

Sure, this whole activity was weird, and truthfully, it was very unsatisfying, but it was my key to get into the seedy night life of bars. I needed that in my life at the time, and although it was very far from "living", it happened at a perfect time; that time is referred to as my "youth", and it is the best time to be wasting time.

It wasn't until long into that lifestyle that I realized that I was far from happiness. I did not know how that happened, and I didn't know what I was doing wrong. When I put some thought into it, I realized that maybe it was because I was faking my passion for my consistent activity. I notice now that there was a lot of depression in the air around the middle aged fellows who had been doing that same thing for a long time. Sadly for those guys, they will never realize what it is that's making them miserable.

I thought to myself, what is it that entertains me, if it is not sports? The answer to that was comedy. I loved intelligent comedy. I loved watching stand up comedians tell witty jokes, and realized that I could do that too. I started writing comedy, and at this stage in my life, I had replaced the regular drinking with much more regular marijuana use. It felt like marijuana made me a comedic genius. I have to admit though, it was much more comical when I smoked marijuana before reading it.

I started to realize that even my passion of comedy was bringing me zero happiness. So it turned out that sports didn't entertain me, and comedy was not what I was looking for either. Upon this discovery, I was very frightened that there is nothing out there for me. I certainly don't have the answer to the biggest question in life, but I have a new idea that maybe entertainment is not the answer. Always being entertained is simply occupying your mind from reality. That is certainly a mistake.

Again, I don't know the meaning of life, but it sure is great to make life better for others. If you can feed a hungry person, or brighten the day of a sad person, then you're definitely not doing something wrong. If you spent your whole life helping those in need, then it definitely wouldn't feel like you wasted your life. I keep hearing that CEOs and presidents of companies are terribly depressed with what they did in their lives while they lay on their deathbeds. The message there is that money is a complete waste of life. Unfortunately for the vast majority of people, money is the only goal considered throughout life.

I can't tell anyone the answer they need, but I think I can tell them what to avoid. People should avoid the activities provided to the masses. Don't waste your time on things that don't make you feel good. Try being nice, try helping people. Even if it does nothing for your soul, it's never a mistake.